Sunday, January 4, 2009

What will the future bring....

New beginnings kinda scare me, because there are always unknown variables which means that there are things that are out my control. I have a combo of feeling for this new year, part of me wants to vomit at the thought that it could end up being another hard year, the other part is excited for new experiences, new friendships and maybe some adventure. Soooo, how do I step into the good, the bad and the ugly? I have a sense that it is going to require a lot more of heart than I might be willing to prayer is that I can allow it (whatever "it" is) to affect me to my core and that I will get to a place where giving of my heart is simple.

To end new beginning are scary, but I hope to learn how to embrace them with excitement rather than with trepidation.

Happy New Beginnings to all...


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