Monday, April 28, 2008

The Hills...reality or fake?

Good day friends,

I am fresh back a long weekend in the City of Angels. I went out to watch my younger brother graduate from Pepperdine University(woop, woop!) Anywho....moving on, Southern California is quite a place, I thought I would walk away unscathed but no such luck. The graduation itself was pleasant at a glance but beneath the layers make up, arrongance and money there about as many versions of Lauren Conrad and Spencer Pratts as there are versions of cells phones. Don't take this wrong way, I was super duper excited to see my brother graduate from an amazing school, but I was blown away with how much fakeness prevaded that field. I wish I could say that I was beyond all the hoopla, but even a grounded indivdual as myself got caught up in the reality that is SoCal. Most moments I would say that kind of life is shallow and imperfect, but then there are those moments when I get caught and wish that my life could be like that. Those moments are mostly reserved for when I think material and worldly things are going to complete me. I know of only a few things that have brought me true happiness and to be honest none of those moments inlcuded anything material.

And since it as taken so long for me to post this I have completely forgotton my train of thought. As I look back it seems as though I was on a roll, I guess you can't stop the money train once you get it going.

Blog to you later....most likely when my life stops being a crazy train of schoolwork.


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