...For me to fill out all the big girl paperwork and applications and get myself a big girl job. WOOHOO! So Iam currently in the process of filling out my initial teacher license and an application for a teaching job simultaneously...cart before the horse, but I had to get it done sometime and this available job just thrust me into action. The last month I have been contemplating getting a second job or volunteering somewhere, primarily because I am bored but also because I need to be doing something with my degree. Much to my surprise I get a phone call from a friend whom I have not heard from in some time and she mentions that her Middle School needed a P.E./Health teacher asap. At first I was hesitant because I had made the decision to start looking for a teaching job in January, but then I got all kinds of excited and had to jump aboard the crazy train that is called "job search". On "job search" I am having to fill out all the paperwork that I have so beautifully avoided till this moment. I am happy to say that I stay up over half the night planning my interview answers and lesson plans and various other things that I could do with students(again cart before the horse, I have yet to turn in the application). So that was a sign to me that I am ready for this teacher thing to come to fruition. I am over my vacation and ready to drop some knowledge on those adolescent kiddos. Whether I get this job or another I am fully(well not fully, sans paperwork) ready to whip those kids and myself into Physical Education Monsters.
I am hoping that the timing is right and that this opportunity will actually slingshot me into a world that I am willing to offer my knowledge, expertise and skills(don't those all sound the same) to. With all of that said, I am still nervous about not being fully prepped on what to put in my paperwork or what to say in an interview. I trust my skills in conveying a passion and goals, but as far as the nitty gritty of what as school might be looking for I am unsure. I know that in my everyday practice of teaching I ALWAYS want to do what is best for my students, but I know that there is much more involved. So I will spend my thanksgiving weekend brushing up on some education jargon and topics and hope that I will at least get an interview to charm the pants off my future employers...Confidence...good, right? Arrogance...not good, I hope to strike the balance.
Suffice it say I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED, giddy up. All aboard the A-train, toot toot. Look out for me rolling in some awesome matching tracks suits with the slickest shoes and possibly rocking some obnoxious whistle....
School is in Session...
Miss Kelemen...or Miss K.
Yay, Miss K! Those kids don't even know how lucky they are to have you wanting to work at their school. :)
Wait, I thought we were aboard the "Job Search"? But I want to be on the A-Train, too! How can I be on two trains at once????
I would hire you in a second.
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