Wednesday, February 2, 2011

30 seconds to Mars...Funkiphino

This was a night to remember, primarily because I got to be yards away from my high school celebrity crush...Jared Leto, or as I like to call him "Jordan Catalano". As you can see above my friend Colleen and I went to the 30 seconds to mars concert a couple of weeks ago. I was thrust back to my old ways of pushing and screaming my way closer to the stage. Sadly I ditched Colleen in hope that I might close enough for my dream man to call me up on stage and sing a love ballad to me...I am pretty sure that is everyone's dream. All in all I was overlooked and was unable to dance on stage with my crush...better luck next time. After all was said and done, another good music show under my belt. It was still early in the night and I was not ready to call it night, so what is a spunky girl to do when she has her dancing shoes on....

She goes to Herman's Hideaway on Broadway with friends and dances the night away to the latest and greatest from Colorado Funk Band Funkiphino. I must tell you that I have not had so much fun...ok, I probably have, but this band and the company was totally legit and fun. Coincidently they are going to be playing another venue the night of my birthday celebration....I do say that the stars are in line for me this month. YAYhoo.

Thanks for all the memories Team...APKilling it!!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love that yellow headband. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet Jordan in the boiler room.