Sunday, March 15, 2009

O' Shenanigans with Salley

Sooo, Saturday I had the entire day off...what a huge blessing. I spent the morning reading in bed, the afternoon with my fun roommate, and the evening with my good friend Nathan Salley, the muse for this particular blog. Nathan and I have a fun friendship, filled with "that's what she said" inappropriateness, good converstation and fun. Saturday evening was no different, we started off by galavanting around the lower highlands/lodo area of Denver taking fun pictures and goofing around, this built up an appetite to which we satisfied at the Vine St pub, afterwards we were going to go to my "penthouse"( I use the term loosely, my roommate informed me that the penthouse is the top level and we are only on the 8th level) to watch a movie. As we strolled ever so casually into the Liongate, Nathan make an inappropriate comment about the pool, so I proceeded to show it him(my first mistake). As we joked around, I threatened to push him in(second mistake), the last mistake made is when I said he wouldn't throw me into the pool fully clothed. Never challenge a person with a few screws never ends well. SPLASH! That is the last sound my iPod and cell phone heard before they died. Thankfully, I held on to him tightly so as to have this experience to share with him. Am I mad...not really, but I am bummed that our phones don't work and that I will have to replace my iPod, but overall a worthwhile experience. Just thinking about us walking back up to the "penthouse" soaking wet is worth the laugh. I thought it would take me more than a day to get over the losses of my most expensive toys but I am good for now.

Suffice it to say...shenanigans with salley are always a good thing.


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