Sunday, August 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well, you've guessed, I am back in good ole Denver , CO. I am happy to be in a place where most people know my name, and things are comfortable. I am most excited to get back into the swing of things with family and friends. These past 5 days have been pretty relaxing, I haven't had to jump into reality quite yet, but tomorrow brings a whole new bag of tricks. Tomorrow I get to start class for what I hope is my final semester of class, this brings feelings of relief and excitement as I near my goal or rather my calling of being a teacher. I am excited to continue to become the best Ashley possible and hopeful for many things this fall.

BUT, no blog would be complete without some comic here goes it.
I am going to tell you about some of my more scandalous adventures in Costa Rica:

5. Swimming in my underwear 90% of the time, I only brought a one piece thus it was necessary to wear the underwear as a bathingsuit, why? To show more skin, duh.
4. Drinking Hot Chocolate...that had been steeped with weed. Yes team, I got high.
3. Make out #1 with Aussie kid(the scandal lies in the fact that I am unsure of his name)
2. Make out #2 with gorgeous French kid...noa great kisser though.
1. Hook up with Irish will have to ask me about this one...too many details to word: HOT!!!!!!

That's all I got, see you on the flip


1 comment:

J. Lo said...

You are never going to get a teaching job if you keep posting shit like this on the internet.