Now that we have established a relationship here, I feel as though it might be time to share some of my dark secrets with you....that aren't that dark or that secret, just a bit shameful. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am talking about my like for the Fast and Furious series of movies. Truth be told I have not seen 3 or 4, but last night I indulged my curiosity by going to FAST FIVE(insert best high velocity deep voice). I had planned on going to see this movie once the hype was past during a matinée, probably in the middle of the MYSELF. This plan was suppose to keep my like(I don't say love, b/c I don't love them, just like alot) a secret, plus explaining why I like such a silly thing was something I wasn't prepared to do. Much to my dismay(or should I say benefit) I was invited to go with a much of friends last night. The group was mostly comprised of men(surprising I know), but I was happy to step out of the shame and embrace my fellow lover of the uber cheesy car movie. Now that I no longer have to live in the dark, I will happily share with you why I like/love these movies.
Since it was the fifth movie, I will give you five reasons:
1. Paul "the hotness drips from me" Walker
2. At some point there be a moment when I actually say out loud..."This sh*t is unbelievable...but I love it."
3. Someone will inevitably mention something about being a family...even though only two of the people are related
4. Hot Bodies, Hot Cars, Hot BBQ's and Bad Guys
5. They are epicly cheesy and horribly acted but it is awesomely entertaining
Those are a few of the reasons to watch the movies...
I trust that you won't go pay money to see it, shoot I wouldn't either(someone paid for my ticket last night...bonus), but I think if we don't watch a cheesy dance movie together I might suggest something from the Fast and Furious shameful as it might be.
I love this life...
APKilla(that is what they would call me if they ever cast me in any future movies...fingers crossed)
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