Well, suffice it to say I was swept up in the charm of the quaint little beach down of Montezuma that I had no time(or lost track of time) to keep up with my blog. So I will give you a quick run down of what has happened over the past couple days.
Day 5...Traveled from Monteverde to Montezuma via Puntrenas. On the bus a French family got their bag taken from the top shelves of the bus...kinda scary, glad it wasn't me, they got there stuff back. Once I got on the ferry I met two girls and I ended up splitting a room with them the entire time I was in Montezuma. Once in MZ I walked around then the ladies and I went of to a nice restaurant that literally backed up the ocean...and the seafood was great. Then bedtime....ah the the sweet sound of ocean to lull you into a wicked REM cycle.
Day 6...Early rise to lay by the ocean and get a tan, my surf lesson didn't begin until 1.30pm. Nothing too especiale. Then the surf lesson...I show up with Heidi(one of the girls that I am staying with) and we are met by a nondescript man named Mauricio.....entirely adorable. We walk about 40 mins to the beach where they say it is best for beginners. There were four of us in the lesson, we each have good face time with Mauricio...though I would have liked more, if you know what I am talking about(muah, mucho smooches). The lesson was great, I stood up a handful of times and learned some keys so that I could go out on my own. After the long walk back and a great shower the ladies and I headed out for another fantastic dinner....MZ has some great food joints. Again off to bed.
Day 7...We had decided the night before that we were going to move from our cabinas to a nice hotel on the cliff/outclove, so we packed up and moved on. And this is where I spent the next 6 hours....in a adirondak chair under the sun watching the ocean while reading a book, it was perfect. And there was a restaurant 45 ft away...thanks for paradise. The girls had taken a day trip to Malpais so I was on my own for dinner and this is where it gets funny.
I ended up at this little place and there happened to be a semi.cute guy there. WELL...he motioned to join me for dinner( I should mention that he is actually sitting to chairs away from me now) which I obliged. We got to talking...his name is Leo(from Lebanon). He was superbly interesting...I am pretty sure he ideas of us getting frisky...no thanks, if the U.S. thinks unafe to consort with the Lebanese I will surely follow suit. Anywho, he walked me about half way back then he peaced out.
Day8...GOAL- Watch the sunrise over the ocean, then watch the sunset over the ocean. I woke up super early to watch the sunrise, now all I had to do was get to Malpais to watch the sunset, easy....not really. I hung around MZ till 2pm then headed to Malpais, but not before I ran into Keren G. Raz, good friend of my best friend in AZ. Suffice it to say I am heading back to hang with her in a couple of days. Soooooo.....Malpais/Santa Teresa, they should not call them towns but rather a long stretch of road where you cannot find anything. I walked around this blasted area for around an hour only to be led to my hostel by a flambouyantly gay Tico. Once I got to the hostel, I am sure I looked like I had been dunked in a pool because I was soaked....but since so much time was wasted walking I needed to hurry to the beach and get my sunset on....oh but who do I run into...LEO, wtf, "Holmes better not talk my ear off again, I gots a sunset to see", that is what I was thinking, but I was ever so polite. Moments later I was walking down the long stretch of beach to watch the sun lazily dip into the ocean. Mission accomplished!!!! Now to shower, eat, read and sleep. All I have left is to read and sleep. All is well.
Today was long and frustrating but I get excited about the coming days. Plus I read some cool stuff in Galatians about freedom and living by the spirit...excited to see what comes of that.
see you 14 days,
Your REM cycle is wicked!! I feel like I'm being refreshed by God through reading your blog. I LOVE it. Praying for sweet and unbelievable things to continue happening!! McBaallllaaaaaa.
Oh Ashley, I am so proud of you! It sounds like you're having the time you were hoping for - and being bold. I hope you are taking pictures, because I'm guessing Mauricio is precious.
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